martes, 13 de enero de 2009

1.- I am run. 2.- I am play. 3.- I am not sleep. 4.- I am hold a book. 5.- I am not smook.6.- I dance. 7.- I walk. 8.- I eat. 9.- I drive. 10.- I sing.1.- He gos. 2.- He buys. 3.- He helps. 4.- He takes. 5.- He sells. 6.- He cleans. 7.- He wins. 8.- He thaws. 9.- He breaks. 10.- He flys.1.- It spends. 2.- It arrives. 3.- It sends. 4.- It bes. 5.- It smokes. 6.- It sees. 7.- It wears. 8.- It pays. 9.- It needs. 10.- It dos.1.- You works. 2.- You swim. 3.- You jump. 4.- You watch. 5.- You sleep. 6.- You listen. 7.- You play. 8.- You teach. 9.- You run. 10.- You takes.1.- She starts. 2.- She open`s. 3.- She closes. 4.- She changes. 5.- She gives. 6.- She waits. 7.- She says. 8.- She finds. 9.- She answers. 10.- She draws.1.- We live. 2.- We cut. 3.- We push. 4.- We study. 5.- We visit. 6.- We want. 7.- We finish. 8.- We climb. 9.- We aska. 10.- We lose.1.- You stay. 2.- You speak. 3.- You learn. 4.- You fall. 5.- You look at. 6.- You leave.7.- You put. 8.- You think. 9.- You hear. 10.- You deliver.1.- They miss. 2.- They hold. 3.- They wears. 4.- They gives. 5.- They helps. 6.- They flys. 7.- They driswers. 8.- They push. 9.- They run. 10.- They drive.
Publicado por Cozvi Cristina en 11:19 0 comentarios

Ejercicio: Completa las fraces usando Us, she, me, then, her, him, it.1.- That woman has got blue and she`s dancig in he street. look at Her!2.- Those people are going to sit down before us, them and we`ve been waithing.3.- I haven`t met your girlfriend yet, is she, here? Yes, that`s her over there.4.- I`m going to bed. Me too, I`m really tired.5.- She`s so beautiful, and he`s so ungly. Why is she with him?6.- I like your car. When did you buy it?PRNOMBRES DEMOSTRATIVOSEjercicio: Traduce las siguientes fraces a ingles.1.- Me gustan esos cuadros: I like those pictures.2.- Este libro es muy bueno: This book is very good.3.- No me gusta esa casa: I don`t like that house.4.- Ninguno de mis amigos vive en esta ciudad: None of my frinds live in this city.5.- Este coche no es mio. Ese es mi coche: This cars isn`t mine. That`s my car.6.- Dame 2 kilos de estas naranjas: Give me two kilos of those oranges.PRONOMBRES RELATIVOSEjercicio: Escribe Who, which,what, o whose, en los espacios en blanco.1.- I have afriend who Iives in Madrid.2.- Whose beer is this? It`s half past three.3.- A credit card is a piece aof plastic which heips you spend money.4.- What are you doing with that knife?5.- I don`t like people who never soy thank you.PRONOMBRES INTERROGANTESEjercicio: Emplea who, whose, what, o which en las siguientes fraces.1.- What time is it? It`s half past three.2.- Whose jacket is this? It`s mine3.- I`ve got chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream, which do you prefer?4.- Who is that man with your wife? It`s her boss.5.- What did you say? I didn`t say anything.PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVOSEjercicio: Pon un nombre reflexivo en las siguientes fraces.1.- We don`t trust builder. We always do building work and painting ourselves.2.- My wife is a wonderful cook. She does everything herself.3.- Our even is a self-cleaning oven. This means you press a button and it cleans itself.4.- Her children are over six years old, and they still can`t feed themselves.5.- If we can`t find people to help us, we`ll have to do it ourselves.6.- I felt very old when I looked at my self in the mirror this morning.7.- My brother is good with his hands. He always fixes his car him self.8.- Don`t copy his work, do it by yourself!PRONOMBRES POCESIVOSEjercicio: Elige la respuesta correcta.1.- He`s got my telephon number, but I haven`t got his.2.-Our car is much faster tham yours.3.- We went to a disco with Sthephanie, Terry and some friends of theirs.4.- I have her! She`s no friend of mine.5.- Is this your bag or hers?LA COMPARACION DE LOS ADVERBIOSEjercicio: Elige el adverbio correcto.1.- I like most music, but jazz is the best.2.- How far is the station from here?3.- I speak Spanish worse than any of my frinds.4.- 6 o clock is too early. Can you come later?5.- Don`t buy anything here, It`s the most expensive shop in town.LA POSICION DE LOS ADVERBIOSEjercicio: Escribe denuevo las fraces colocando los adverbios en el lugar adecuado.1.- I realized I`d left my passport in the restaurant. I`d left my passport in the restaurant.2.- Have you eaten snake? (ever). Have you (ever) eaten snake?3.- I`ve had an operation in my life. (never). I`ve (never) had an operation in my life.4.- She is latew. (usually). She is (usually) late.5.- I`ve seen her on the bus. (often). I`ve (often) seen her on the bus .6.- I`ve got a meeting. (now). (Now) I`ve got a meeting (now).7.- Brazil are going to beat Germany. (definitely). (Definitely) Brazil are (definitely) going to beat Germany (definitely).8.- We`ll see eact other in the pub, (probably). (Probably) we`ll (probably) see each other in the pub (probably).USO PARTICULAR DE ALGUNOS ADVERBIOS.Ejercicio: Traduce las siguientes fraces al español.1.- This picture is rather nice. Where did you get it? Este cuadro es bastante bonito. ¿donde lo has conseguido?2.- I`d rather go to the beach than a museum. Preferia ir a la playa que a un museo.3.- I think that eathing out in Barcelona is qute expensive. Creo que comer fuera en Barcelona es bastante caro.4.- Have you washed the car yet?. ¿Has lavado ya el coche?5.- England is too cold and wet in winter. Inglaterra es demasiado fria y humeda en invierno.6.- I harely arrived at the airport in time to catch the plane. Apenas he llegado al aeropuerto a tiempo de coger el avion.7.- Are you still writing to her after all these years?. ¿Todavia has estado escribiendole despues de tantos años?8.- Do you want anything else to drink?. ¿Quieres algo mas para beber?.EXPRECIONES ADVERBIALESEjercicio: Elige la exprecion correcta.1.- He`s by far the cleverest person I know.2.- On no account buy the computer unless I`m with you.3.- She`ll agree to go out with me sooner or later.4.- I`ll phone you ae soon as I get to the hotel.5.- Don`t worry we`ll get the money somehow or other.
Publicado por Cozvi Cristina en 9:52 0 comentarios

Ejercicio: Completa las fraces uilizando A Little, little, A few, few.1.- I bought A little post cards in Paris.2.- Can you ask the waiter for Little more wine please darling?3.- You haven`t passed all of the exams, you`ve only passed.4.- A few people go out on Monday night in Valencia. There is almost no traffic.5.- I like to drink Few lemon juice before I have breakfast.Escribe Most, Most of, All en los espacios en blanco segun convengan.1.- Yesterday I sent most my money, and now I don`t have anithing.2.- Most of people in Madrid speak Spanish, but not all of them.3.- In Valencia, most the shops open at 9 o`clock, but not all of them.4.- In Ireland it rains most the time .5.- All German cars are well-made, but I like BMW`S the most of.6.- I must be in love, because most I can think about is you.Pon el adjetivo gentilicio o la nacionalidad en los espacios en blanco.1.- Buenos Aires is in Argentina. It`s an Angertinian city.2.- Canadians are people who live in canada.3.-Marie Curie was from Poland. She was Polish.4.- I love most things from Belgium, especially Belgiam chocolate.5.- I hate Irish music. Actually, the only thing I like from Ireland is Guinness.6.- My good friend Erick is from Holland. He speaks Dutch.7.- Australian makes good wine and beer. I always buy Australian wine.8.- Tequila comes from Mexico. It`s a famous Mexican drink.9.- My father has never been to Germany. He hates everithing German, except Mercedes cars¡.10.- All my money is in Switzerland. There years ago I opened a Swiss bank account.Escribe las siguientes expreciones con palabras:1.- 16th: Sixteenth. 2.- 367: Three hundred and sixty-seven. 3.- 1249: One thousand two hundred and forty-nine. 4.- $ 275: Two hundred and seventy-five dollars. 5.- 1250: One thousand two hundred and fifty. 6.- 2457983: Two million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred. 7.- 30th: Thirtieth. 8.- 2/3: Two thirds.1.- Whose books is this? It`s mine. 2.- What is your favourite car? 3.- Whose trousers are these? 4.- What is your nationality? 5.- Which nationality are you, Englis or Irish? 6.- What kind of music do you prefer? 7.- How fast is your car? 8.- There`s tea and coffe, which would you like? 9.- How old is he? 10.- Which shirt are you going to wear, the brown or the black?Rellena los espacios en blanco con el adjetivo pocesivo que corresponda.1.- I live with my boy friend. 2.- We have a very big baloony at the front of our flat. 3.- Thank you for the flowers. It was kind of you to remember my birthday.4.- My dog is always licking It`s balls. 5.- Yesterday I saw Diana with her husband. They were shopping with their children. 6.- When Craig gets home from work, he likes to wash his face, take of his work clothes and work on his computer. 7.- I want to buy your flat. How much do you want for it?8.- Put the book in it`s place on the shelf.9.- Nicole and Tom have sold their house.10.- Who is that girl you work with? I can never remember her name.
Publicado por Cozvi Cristina en 8:46 0 comentarios
lunes 8 de diciembre de 2008

Ejercicios: Las siguientes fraces tienen algun error. Escribelas de forma correcta.1.- They have two blues cars.They have two blue cars.2.- They car small is in the garage.They small car is in the garage.3.- Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an restaurant expensive?Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an expensive restaurant?4.- Pat is listeningo to bads news on the radio.Pat is listeningo to bad news on the radio.5.- I sent my brother somes magazines.I sent my brother some magazines.GENERO Y NUMERO:Ejercicios: Escribe this o these. Ejemplo: This cor. These cars.1.- These girsl. 2.- This computer. 3.- This hamburger. 4.-These children. 5.- These chips. 6.- This television.

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