lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

1.Pedro come en su casa
Pedro eats in his house
Eats Pedro in his house?
Pedro eats not in his house.

2. Ella corre en el park
She runs in the park
Runs she in the park?
She runs not in the park

3. Pedro, Santiago y yo queremos un dulce.
We want a candy
Want we a candy?
We want not a candy

4. Pedro baila con su hermana
Pedro daces with his sister
Daces Pedro with his sister?
Pedro daces not with his sister

5. Nosotros nadamos en un río.
We swim in a river
Swim we in a river?
We swim not in a river

6. Ellos estan en el hospital
They are in the at hospital
Are they in the at hospital?
They are not in the at hospital

7. Laura lastima su perro
She hurts her dog
Hurts she her dog?
She hurts not her dog

8. Ella compra en un Mercado
She buys in a market
Buys she in a market?
She buys not in a market

9. Pedro trabaja con su hermano
Pedro works with his brother
Works Pedro with his brother?
Pedro works not with his brother

10. Ellos tienen dos carros azules
They have two blue cars
Have they two blue cars
They have not two blue cars

1. Nosotros estamos comiendo en la mesa
We are eating in the table
Are we eating in the table?
We are not eating in the table

2. Laura esta nadando en el río.
Laura is swiming in the rive
Is Laura swiming in the rive?
Laura is not swiming in the rive

3.Nosotros estamos comiendo en el Mercado
We are eating in the market
Are we eating in the market?
We are not eating in the market

4.Laura esta trabajando con su hermano
She is working with her brother
Is she working with her brother?
She is not working with her brother

5. Pedro esta caminando con su perro
Pedro is walking with his dog
is Pedro walking with his dog?
Pedro is not walking with his dog

6. Nosotros estamos planeando una casa
We are planing a house
Are we planing a house?
We are not planing a house

7. Laura esta leyendo un libro
She is reading a book
Is she reading a book?
She is not reading a book

8. Pepe, Pedro y yo estamos corriendo con el perro
We are runing with the cart
Are we runing with the cart?
We are not runing with the cart

9. Pepe esta jugando con su perro
He is playing with his dog
Is He playing with his dog?
He is not playing with his dog
10. Nosotros estamos limpiando el carro
We are cleaning the cart
Are we cleaning the cart?
We are not cleaning the cart.

my homwork
PRONOMBRES POSESIVO(Main) mine: el mió, la mía, los míos, las mías.(IORS) yours:el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas (de tu); el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes) .(JIS) His:el suto, la suya, los suyos, las suyas del el.(JERS) hers: el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de elle).(Its) its : el suyo, la sulla, los suyos, las suyas, (de el o ella para cosas).(OURS)ours: el nuestro, la nuestra, los nuestros, las nuestros.(IORS)tours: el vuestro, la vuestra, los vuestros, las vuestras.(DEIRS)theirs: el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas, (de ellos o ellas).SUJETO + VERVO + COMPLEMENTOwhith: con the: la, los, las. and:y to:a 1- María is at the hospital.2-They jump on the sofa.3-They rons in the park.4-She buys in the market and superche.5-I jump on the table.6-She buys in the market with her sister.7-He bes at the hospital with the family.8-She runs in the park with the children.9- My jump on the table.10-We be at the school.ABJETIVOS CALIFICATIVOSGoob: bueno thin: Delgado dry: seco bad: maloshort: cartoEjemplo: pelota azulblu ballcaballo grandebig horseMeter is a good person.1-The have a blue cars.2.Rosita is a goob girl.3-Mary is a intelligent girl.4-Peter is a thin child.5-Santiago is a bad child.6-Peter play with a happy dog.7-Juan is a deceiving teacher.8-Peter play with a happy dog.9-We swim in a dangerous river.10-Santiago buy in a cheap marke.ABJETIVO DEMOSTRATIVOThis: esteThat: aquelThese: estosThose: aquellosEjemplo:1-This is her ball.2-That is my dog.3-These ara our notebooks.4-Those are your friends.5-This is my drawing.6-that is her house.7-These are my mascots.8-Those are their cars.9-This is her apple.10-That is his bottle.CLASES DE ABJETIVO.Las siguientes frases tienen algún error. Escríbelas correctamente.1.They have two blues cars.They have two blue cars.2.The car small is in the garage.The small car is in the garage. 3.Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in a restaurant expensive.Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in a expensive restaurant.4.Pat is listerning to bads news on the radio.Pat is listerning to bad news on the radio. 5.I send my brother somes magazines.I send my brother some magazines. GENERO Y NUMEROEscribe this o theseEj. this car these carsThese girlsThis computerThis hamburgerThese childrenThese chipsThis television. POSICION DE LOS ABJETIVOS-ESCRIBE LAS PALABRAS EN EL ORDEN CORRECTO MAN UNGLY AN – AN UNGLY MAN.1.American an she´s girl.she´s an American girl .2.expensive holiday an it´´s an expensive holiday.3.Sad you are why?why is she sad.4.are beatiful girl you ayou are beautiful job interesting it´sit´s an interesting job ABJETIVOS SUSTANTIVOS Y COMPUESTOSTraduce al ingles1. Es buena idea dar dinero a los pobres.I´ts a good idea to give Money to the poor.2.Mi padre es ViejoMy father is an old man.3. Es un vaje muy caro y soy un professor muy pobre.I´ts a very expensive trip and I am a poor teacher.4.Los mejores amantes son los italianos.The best lovers are the Italians.5. Es importante educar alos jóvenes.It´s important to educate the young.ESCRIBE EL COMPARATIVOEj. small- esmaller.1.good- better2.intelligent -more intelligent3.eld -older4.dark- darker5.bad - worse6.large -larger7.narrow - newer9.easy -easier10.funny - funnier COMPLETA LAS FRASES USANDO UN COMPARATIVOEJ.MY FALT ISN´T VERY BIG.I WANT A BIGGER FLAT.1. My motorbike isn´t very fast. i´d like a faster motorbike-2. My husband isn´t very rich.i need a richer husband .3.your computer is getting old now. you need a newer computer. 4.his camera isn´t very good. he needs a better camera.5.It isn´t very hot today. It was botter yesterday.COMPLETA LAS FRASES CON UN SUPERLATIVO.EJ.HE´S A VERY GOOD FOOTBALLER.HE´S THE BEST FOOTBALLER IN EUROPE AT THE MOMENT.1.She´s a pretty girl. She´s the prettiest girl in my class.2.There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is the most exciting.3.August is a hot month in Spain. It´s usually the hottest month of the year.4.I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was the happiest day of my life.5.It´s such an expensive restaurant.I think it,s the most expensive restaurant in Madrid.ADJETIVOS DEMOSTRATIVOCOLOCA LO QUE LE CORRESPONDA THIS O THESE.1.These men are from Spain.2.This foot is dirty.3.These scissors are very sharp.4.These children don´t have any parents.5.This mouse is broken.PON THAT O THOSE1.Those roofs are mode of wood.2.That box is empty.3.Those trousers are made in china.4.Those men are waiting for the bus.5.That tomato is very big.ABJETIVOS DISTRIBUTIVOSTraduce las siguientes frases en ingles.No quiero este pastel, quiero el otro.I don´t want this cake, I want the other one.2.pagamos treinta y cinco euros cada uno.we paid thirty-five Euros each.3.Cambia tu ordenador cada tres años.Change your computer every three yers.4.hay dos camas. Puedes usar cualquiera.There are two beds. you can use Esther.5.tiene dos hermanos, pero ninguno de los dos es guapo.She´s got two brothers, butneither of them are good looking.ABJETIVOS DE CANTIDADCOMPLETA LAS FRASES UTILIZANDO MANY, MUCH, A LOT, A LOT OF.1.It didn´t cost much Money to g oto NEw Zealand.2.How many songs can you sing?3.There´s a lot of rice in the cupboard.4.poco visited many cities, but he saw many friends.5.How many interesting cities did paco see?COMPLETA LAS FRASES UTILIZANDO A LITTLE, LITTLE, A FEW, FEW.1.I bought a few postcarsds in paris.2.Can you ask the waiter for a little more wine please darling.3.You haven´t paseed all of the exams, you´ve only passed a few.5.I like to drink a little lemon juice before.I have breakfast.ESCRIVE M0ST, MOST OF, ALL EN LOS ESPACIOS EN BLANCOS.1.Yes terday Ispent all my money, and now I don´t have anything.2.Most people in Madrid speak Spanish, but not all of them.3.In Valencia, most of the shops open at 90´clock, but not all of them.4.In Ireland it rains most of the time.5.All German cars are well-made, but I like BMW´s the most.ADJETIVOS INTERROGATIVOSPON EL ADJETIVI INTERROGATIVOWhat time is it?Which rod should i take?How much wine shall I buy?Whose house is that?ADJETIVOS POSESIVO1.I live with my boyfriend.2.We have a very big balcony at the from of our flat.3. my dog is always licking its balls.(Main) mine: el mió, la mía, los míos, las mías.(IORS) yours:el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas (de tu); el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes) .(JIS) His:el suto, la suya, los suyos, las suyas del el.(JERS) hers: el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de elle).(Its) its : el suyo, la sulla, los suyos, las suyas, (de el o ella para cosas).(OURS)ours: el nuestro, la nuestra, los nuestros, las nuestros.(IORS)tours: el vuestro, la vuestra, los vuestros, las vuestras.(DEIRS)theirs: el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas, (de ellos o ellas).ABJETIVOS GENTILICIOSPon el adjetivo gentilicio la nacionalidad en los espacios en blanco.Ej. Spaghetti is from Italy. It´s an Italian dish.1. Buenos aires is in argentina. It´s an argentina city.2.Canadians are people who live in Canada.3.Marie Curie was from Poland. she was Polish4.I love most things from Belgium, especially Belgian, chocolate.5.I hate Irish music. Actually, the only thing I like from Ireland is Guinness.ABJETIVOS NUMERALES16 th sixteemth.367 three hundred and sixty – seven.1249 one thousand two hundred and ferty-nine.$275 two hundred and seventy-five dollars.1,250 one thousand two hundred and fifty.PRONOMBRESEj. I love my wife, but she hates me.1.that wiman has got blue hair and she is dancing in the street. look at her!.2.those people are going to sit down before us, and we´ve been waiting longer than them.3.i haven´t met your girlfriend yet, is she here?yes, that’s her over there.4.I´m going to too, I´m really tired.5.she´s so beautiful, and he´s so ungly. Why is she with him?PRONOMBRES POSESIVOTraduce las siguientes frases a gustan esos cuadros.I like tose pictures.2.Este libro es muy bueno.this book is very me gusta esta casa.I don´t like thet house.4.ninguno de mis amigos vive en esta casa.none of my friends live en this city.5.este coche es mio.Ese es mi coche.this car isn´t mine. That´s my car.RELATIVOS DEMOSTRATIVO1.Have a friend who lives in Madrid.2.Whose beer is this?It´s mine.3.A credit card is a pice of plastic which helps you spend money.4.what are you doing with that knife?5.I don´t like people who never say thank you.PRONOMBRES INTERROGATIVO1.What time is it?2.Whose jacket is this?3.I´ve got chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream, Which do you prefer?4.Who is that man whith your wife?5.What did you say?PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVO1.We don´t trust builderst. We always do building work and painting.Ourselves2.My wiefe is a wonderfulk cook.She does everything.Herself3.Our oven is a self- cleaning oven.This means you press a button and it cleans.Itself4.Her children are six years old, and they still can´t feed themselves.Their mother has to feed them.5.If we can´t find people to help us, well have to do it ourselves.ADVERBIOS1.I like most music, but jazz is the best.2.How far is the station from here?3.Ispeak Spanish worse than any of my friends.4.6 o´clock is too early. Can you come later?5.Don´t buy anything here,it´s the most expensive shop in town.USOS PARTICULARES DE ALGUNOS ADVERBIOS.Traduce las siguientes frases en español.1.This Picture is rather nice. Where did you get it?estecuadro es bastante bonito .¿donde los as escogidos?2.I´d rather g oto the beach then a museum.preferia ir a la playa que aun miseo.3.I think that eating out in Barcelona is quite expensive.creo que comer fuera en Barcelona es bastante caro.4.Have you washed the car yet?¿Has lavado ya el coche?5.England is too cold wet in winter.Inglaterra es demasiada fria y humeda en invierno.EXPRESIONES ADVERBIALES1.He´s by far the cleverest person I know.2.On no account buy the computer unless I´m with you.3.She´ll agree to go out with me sooner of later.4.I´ll phone you as soon as I get to the hotel.5.Don´t worry, we´ll get the money some how or other.

1. statements: beAfirmative : 10I am at schoolWe are the studentsYou are at workThey are from MexicoHe is at houseShe is a ballerinaIt is on the deskI am a big countryWe are stealingThey are marriedNegative : 10I am not schoolWe are not the studentsYou are not at workThey are not from MexicoHe is not at houseShe is not at ballerinaIt is not on the deskI am not a big countryWe are not stealingThe are not married A. Pronouns. Rewrite these sentences, using he , she , it , or they.1.Mary is a student. She is a student.2.Tom is at school. He is at school.3.Peter and John are students. The are students.4.The teacher is here . He is here .5.School is open . It is open6.Ana is single. She is single7Llisa and Kate are at school. The are at school.b.Contractions. rewrite these sentences, using a contraction.1. I am a student . I’m a student.2. She is married . She’s married3. It is Friday. It’s Friday4. He is not at work. He’s not at work5. It is hot today. Its hot today6. They are absent. The’re absent.7. I am not a teacher. I’M not a teacher8. She is not at school today. She’s not at school todayc.Be.Complete these sentences , using is , am or are.1. He is at school2. They are at home3. I am in class4. She is on the bus5. We are students6. Jack is a student7. They are not from India8. The are married9. Marie is single10. Tom is friendly11. I am not from New York12. It is on the desk13. I am 20 years old14. It is Sunday.

I SEND YOU MY HOMWORKAFFIRMATIVE PRAYER1.Pedro runs in the school2.Juan dances in his house3.Santiago this in a big countri4.Maria sings in the park5.Juan works in a houseNEGATIVE PRAYER1.Pedro runs not in the school2.Juan dances not in his house3.Santiago this not in a big countri4.Maria sings not in the park5.Juan works not in a houseINTERROGATIVE PRAYER1.runs pedro in the school?2.dances juan in his house?3.this santiago in a big countri?4.sings maria in the park? juan in a house?

Artist: John Lennon Song: Imagine Englis versionImagine there's no heaven.It's easy if you try.No hell below us,Above us, only sky.Imagine all the people Living for today.Imagine there's no countries.It isn't hard to do.Nothing to kill or die for,And no religion too.Imagine all the peopleLiving life in peace.You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one.I hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will be as one.Imagine no possessions.I wonder if you can.No need for greed or hunger.A brotherhood of man.Imagine all the people Sharing all the world.You may say I'm a dreamerBut, I'm not the only one.I hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will live as one.Spanish versionImagina que no hay cielo. Es fácil si tu intentas. No hay infierno debajo de nosotros, o por encima de nosotros, sólo el cielo. Imagina a toda la gente vivir para hoy. Imagina que no hay países. No es difícil de hacer. Nada para matar o para morir, Y ninguna religión también. Imagina a toda la gente Vivir la vida en paz. Tu puedes decir soy un soñador. Pero yo no soy el único. Espero que algún día ustedes se unan a nosotros, Y el mundo será como uno solo. Imagina no posesiones. Me pregunto si puedes. No hay necesidad de codicia o hambre. Una hermandad del hombre. Imagina a toda la gente compartiendo todo el mundo. Usted puede decir soy un soñador Pero yo no soy el único. Espero que algún día ustedes se unan a nosotros, y el mundo vivirá como uno solo.List Verve*Imagine*Living*Do*Kill*Die*Dreamer*Wonder*SharingList of adjectives*Easy*Below*Above*Dreamer*One*Greed*Hunger*BrotherhoodList of personal pronouns*You*It*I

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